
value of re-export中文是什么意思

  • 转口货值



  • 例句与用法
  • Value of re - export
  • The former is obtained by removing an estimated re - export margin from the value of re - exports of goods
  • Value of re - exports to the mainland of china involving outward processing for the 2004 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月输往中国内地涉及外发加工的转口货品的货值是260 , 624百万港元。
  • Value of re - exports of the mainland of china origin to other places for the 2004 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月原产地为中国内地经本港输往其他地方的转口货品的总货值是628 , 302百万港元。
  • Percentage change of value of re - exports to the mainland of china compared with the 2003 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月输往中国内地的转口货品的总货值与2003年一月至九月比较之变动百分率是+ 21
  • The value of retained imports of goods is derived by subtracting the estimated import value of re - exports of goods from the value of imports of goods
  • Value of re - exports of the mainland of china origin to other places involving outward processing for the 2004 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月原产地为中国内地经本港输往其他地方涉及外发加工的转口货品的货值是497 , 899百万港元。
  • Is hk $ 260 , 624 million . 2004 jan . - sep . percentage change of value of re - exports to the mainland of china involving outward processing compared with the 2003 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月输往中国内地涉及外发加工的转口货品的货值与2003年一月至九月比较之变动百分率是+ 21
  • Is hk $ 628 , 302 million . 2004 jan . - sep . percentage change of value of re - exports of the mainland of china origin to other places compared with the 2003 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月原产地为中国内地经本港输往其他地方的转口货品的总货值与2003年一月至九月比较之变动百分率是+ 13
  • Is hk $ 497 , 899 million . 2004 jan . - sep . percentage change of value of re - exports of the mainland of china origin to other places involving outward processing compared with the 2003 jan . - sep
    2004年一月至九月原产地为中国内地经本港输往其他地方涉及外发加工的转口货品的货值与2003年一月至九月比较之变动百分率是+ 13
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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